
open class StickerToolControllerOptions : ToolControllerOptions

Options for configuring a StickerToolController.

  • This closure is called when the user adds a sticker.



    public let addedStickerClosure: ((Sticker) -> Void)?
  • This closure allows for customization of any sticker from a local/network source. When it is set it will be called after the image data is retrieved. You could for example use this to present another instance of PhotoEditor SDK to allow your users to edit the selected sticker before placing it on top of the original photo or apply any other processing. It is passed a reference to the instance of StickerSelectionController that calls this closure, the original Sticker object, the retrieved image data as UIImage and a completion handler, that you must call with the modified Sticker and UIImage after you’re done with your customizations.



    public let stickerCustomizationClosure: ((StickerSelectionController, Sticker, UIImage, @escaping (Sticker, UIImage) -> Void) -> Void)?
  • This closure allows further configuration of the sticker category buttons. The closure is called for each sticker category button and has the button and its corresponding sticker category as parameters.



    public let stickerCategoryButtonConfigurationClosure: ((MenuCollectionViewCell, StickerCategory) -> Void)?
  • This closure allows further configuration of the sticker buttons. The closure is called for each sticker button and has the button and its corresponding sticker as parameters.



    public let stickerButtonConfigurationClosure: ((StickerCollectionViewCell, Sticker) -> Void)?
  • The size of the stickers in the preview. Default is (44, 44).



    public let stickerPreviewSize: CGSize
  • The index of the sticker category that should be selected when initially presenting the tool. If this index is larger than the number of available categories, the first category will be used. Default is 0.



    public let defaultStickerCategoryIndex: Int
  • Whether the user can create personal stickers from the device’s photo library. If true an action button is added as first item in the menu in front of the sticker categories which modally presents an UIImagePickerController for personal sticker creation. Personal stickers will be added to a personal sticker category which will be added between the action button and the regular sticker categories if it does not exist. Default is false.



    public let personalStickersEnabled: Bool
  • The default tint mode for personal stickers. Default is StickerTintMode.none.



    public let defaultPersonalStickerTintMode: StickerTintMode
  • The weather provider used for all smart weather stickers. The default is nil which will hide all smart weather stickers or MultiImageStickers that contain smart weather stickers from the StickerSelectionController.



    public let weatherProvider: WeatherProvider?
  • This closure allows for further customization of personal stickers. When it is set it will be called after a user selected a sticker from their photo roll. You could for example use this to present another instance of PhotoEditor SDK to allow your users to edit the selected sticker before placing it on top of the original photo. It is passed a reference to the instance of StickerToolController that calls this closure, an instance of URL pointing to the user’s selected sticker and a completion handler, that you must call with the URL to your modified sticker after you’re done with your customizations.



    public let personalStickerCustomizationClosure: ((StickerToolController, URL, @escaping (URL?) -> Void) -> Void)?
  • Creates a new instance of StickerToolControllerOptions using the given builder.



    public init(builder: StickerToolControllerOptionsBuilder)

